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1918 Since the Great War was raging in England and Europe, Cecil and Maud stayed in America through the winter of 1917-1918. Crossing the Atlantic was far too dangerous owing to German submarines
Cecil and Maud spent January and February in Chicago, which is cold and inhospitable. "The snow is now cleared away off the main streets, but nowhere else so that travelling is very difficult. The crowding in the trains & cars is very unpleasant. Courtesy is not Chicago’s strong point. "Sauve qui peut*" should be their municipal motto.” *Everyman for himself! Sharp is engaged in teaching classes and giving lectures at various schools, as well as working, as ever, on publication proofs for various books in the works. In late February they move to Detroit for a week, then on the Urbanna, Ill., then back to New York in mid-March. In late March they return to Boston for meetings with Mrs. Storrow, returning to New York in preparation for travel south and resumption of the Appalachian work. This will be the final season on the ballad trail. The spring travels are staged in Washington DC, where Sharp offers another observation of America: “Some of the details e.g. decoration of entrance hall of Library, nearly all the paintings and stone effigies in the Capitol are very open to criticism, nevertheless it is a great conception worthy of the lofty ideal which inspired it. Nothing has affected me in America more than this and I feel much more reverence for America and the real effort she has made to reform humanity — much of it mistaken perhaps but all of it sincere — than I hitherto had.” From Washington DC, they embark on a ballad collecting route that is as follows: Virginia:
Harrisonburg Fafton Buena Vista Natural Bridge Nash Arrington Nellysford Beech Grove Ronceverte WVA Pence Springs WVA Blue Ridge Springs, VA Natural Bridge again, then out of the mountains June 19, back to NewYork Late July return to Virginia, visiting Peaks of otter Reba Montvale Roanoke Crocket Springs Rockymount St Peter’s mission ShoringCxreek Woolwine Stuart Meadows of Dan In September the party moves to:
Winston Salem,
before retuning to Asheville for a final visit on October 13. At this time the flu pandemic is in full swing, so travel becomes more problematic.Marion, and Burnsville, NC, |